Dinosaurs Island

BENGUET | Baguio Eco Park’s Dinosaurs Island: Where Terrible Lizards Come...

We’re lucky not to be part of the dinosaur periods having no worries about horrifying monster lizards that might squash us on the ground...
baguio holy land

BENGUET | Walking Through the Holy Land in Baguio Eco Park

Have you experienced during your primary years of studying where people from the local church regularly visit your school to conduct Catechisms? I really...
Bamboo Museum

BENGUET | Bamboo Museum: From Ghost Stories to Bamboo Art Collections

Based on a story of a relative who stayed in Baguio for a long time, a house along Leonard Wood is being tagged to...
Maryknoll Ecological Sanctuary

BENGUET | Cosmic Journey in Maryknoll Ecological Sanctuary

Not known to many, even I, just heard about it for the first time that an ecological sanctuary exists in Baguio City for more...
baguio pasalubong

BENGUET | 5 Things to Try and Buy in Baguio City...

Aside from its cool climate, Baguio City is also being invaded by tourists for the numerous pasalubong items available. There are a lot of...
Oh My Gulay

BENGUET | Oh My Gulay’s Anak ng Putanesca

Perhaps you already observed the way your friends rave when they heard Oh My Gulay everytime you ask something about the place. For those...
Grumpy Joe

BENGUET | Grumpy Joe’s Blueberry Cheesecake

Time for dessert! And the best option would be cakes, and preferably cheesecakes! I found one in a newly opened restaurant along Leonard Wood...
yamashita baguio

BENGUET | Yamashita’s Pork Ramen

On my recent visit to Baguio City, I discovered Yamashita’s place. Let me clear things up. I’m not referring to the treasures that were...
Pizza Volante

BENGUET | Pizza Volante’s Pizza Marengo

When you craved for pizza and by chance, you’re in Baguio City and asked for a local restaurant, most likely you’ll get Pizza Volante...
Azotea Greens

BENGUET | Azotea Greens’ Boladas

Aside from the fact that they are located in La Azotea Building along Session Road that was painted green, Azotea Greens was named as...

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